Is Hershey Stock Due for a Halloween Horror Show?

It could be a house of horrors in the candy aisle this Halloween, given that The Hershey Company (NYSE: HSY) announced there might be a shortage this year.

Because of rising costs, ongoing supply chain issues, and energy issues abroad amid a heightened demand environment, the chocolate giant says it can't meet the needs for both everyday confection supplies for store shelves and the holiday crush. It was forced to choose between one or the other, and so Halloween sales got short shrift.

While other candy makers could benefit from the production shift and take market share, Hershey might not be the only one experiencing these issues. Unilever, for example, just announced it was ending production of the popular, chocolate-dipped Choco Taco ice cream sandwich after nearly 40 years because it needed to make "tough decisions" about its product lines.

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