Is Intel’s Supremacy Under Threat From Qualcomm and AMD?

Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) literally owns the market for server chips. Over 99% of data centers run computers powered by Chipzilla's silicon, creating a big entry barrier for any would-be competitor. But this hasn't deterred other chipmakers from trying their hand at server chips in the hope that they can make a dent in a market that's expected to grow at 5% a year until 2020, hitting a projected $20 billion in revenue.

Earlier this year, Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ: AMD) made waves when it claimed that its EPYC server chips can outperform Intel's offerings thanks to superior specs. Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM) is the latest company to join the bandwagon, claiming that its Centriq line of server processors can do better than Intel at a price point that's way lower. So, should Intel start quaking in its boots? Let's find out.

Image Source: Intel.

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