The business world is filled with examples of companies undergoing transformational changes. Disney presents an interesting case study in this regard. For decades the company was perhaps best known for its magical, fictitious cartoon characters. But during the mid-2000s, Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger went on a spending spree and acquired animation studio Pixar, as well as Marvel Entertainment and Lucasfilm.

In the blink of an eye, Disney bolstered its already-impressive brand portfolio with legendary franchises such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and spearheaded the Marvel Cinematic Universe. These deals subsequently opened up an entirely new library of content, experiences, and merchandise for Disney. 

The ability to reinvent a business operation takes a healthy combination of skill and courage, but it can be done. E-commerce and fintech pioneer (NASDAQ: PYPL) is at an interesting juncture in its lifecycle. The financial operation is a mixed bag and the competitive landscape is ripe with myriad players. Furthermore, the company it getting ready to replace its CEO, who is retiring.

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