Is It Safe to Invest in the Stock Market Now? Take Advice From Warren Buffett

Inflation crossed the 2% target in March 2021 and it kept rising, but the Federal Reserve failed to take action for almost a full year, insisting that transitory factors were to blame. That was a costly miscalculation in hindsight, so the Fed is now trying to make up for lost time by raising interest rates at their fastest pace in four decades.

Unfortunately, many experts believe central bank officials will tighten monetary policy too aggressively, which could tip the U.S. economy into a recession. That fear has made the stock market sink like a stone this year. In fact, the broad-based S&P 500 delivered its worst first-half performance since 1970, and the index has now declined for three consecutive quarters.

Given the uncertain state of the economy, is it safe to invest in the stock market right now? Consider this advice from Warren Buffett.

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