Is It Time to Buy the S&P 500's 3 Worst-Performing Stocks This Year?

With the "Dogs of the Dow" investing strategy, you invest in the worst-performing Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI) components. The idea is that these top-notch businesses should come back strong from whatever challenges might come their way.

Some investors prefer a tweaked version of that stock-picking strategy. Sure, the Dow Jones Industrials is an elite group, but so is the S 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC). A small minority of the total American stock market qualifies for this exclusive list, and it's a more diverse collection. Shouldn't the worst performers of the S 500 also be poised for a strong comeback?

Well, let's check out how this Dogs of the S 500 idea holds up. These are the three worst performers on the broader stock market index in 2023.

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