Is It Time to Move On From Stock?

The rising popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) has caught the attention of just about everybody on Wall Street. Analysts at financial institutions are attending seminars, webinars, and everything in between to try and get a grasp on which companies are making inroads in AI versus those that might be using the new buzzword as a means to attract attention.

While Big Tech firms such as , Microsoft, Amazon, and Nvidia are already looking like the leaders of the AI pack, other growth companies, including Palantir, MongoDB, and ServiceNow, should not be overlooked. In the midst of these names sits one tech company that, from my purview, should be left behind: (NYSE: AI)

Given its namesake and ticker symbol, briefly experienced some meme trading activity during the early days of AI hype. However, after a couple of mundane earnings reports, savvy investors appear to be catching on to the company's lack of prospects. Let's dig in and analyze why it may be time to move on from and look elsewhere.

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