Is It Time to Turn Your Losing Stocks Into Winners?

We all have them -- those pesky investments bleeding red in our brokerage accounts. They just sit there day in and day out, regularly underperforming the market. Everyone in the investment world loves to discuss their winners, but no one wants to discuss their losers. In fact, newer investors frequently get stuck holding disappointing stocks for far too long because they don't know when to cut their losses. Here is a surefire plan to turn a losing investment to a winning one. 

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The first thing you need to know is that we all have plenty of underperforming stocks in our track records. No one bats a thousand and that's ok; in fact, it's to be expected! Bad investments are a part of every investor's track record, but thankfully, as long as you didn't borrow any money to invest, the most you can lose is 100%. As daunting as that sounds, remember that the upside is unlimited when investing in stocks for the long term. This means that it only takes one solid winner to wipe out a lifetime of losing investments. 

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