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Is It Too Early to Invest in Ginkgo Bioworks?

Investors are always on the lookout for a promising growth story. But some of those stories can have bad endings. Similarly, an investor might notice a particular industry looks like it's on the cusp of incredible growth, but that doesn't mean just any stock with exposure to that industry will do well. 

Biotech company Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) specializes in using genetic engineering to produce bacteria with industrial applications. It doesn't cater to a single industry, instead offering a cell programming platform that can help a wide array of businesses. But because it's trying to expand its offerings widely, its efforts seem to be in perpetual startup mode and it could be many years before that pays off for Ginkgo. In the meantime, the company is incurring staggering losses.

Given all this, what kind of story are investors seeing here? Is this a stock you should consider investing in today, or is it still too early to determine if this is a tragedy or a success story?

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