Is It Too Late to Buy Amazon Stock?

Should you invest in a trillion-dollar stock? On the one hand, any stock reaching that status demonstrated winning results and surely made some millionaires along the way. Winners keep on winning and all that. On the other hand, how high can a trillion-dollar stock go? Can it double at such high levels?

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is one of an exclusive cadre of trillion-dollar companies that's been one of the best stocks ever to own. It has a current market cap of $1.8 trillion. Is it too late to buy?

The more sales a company makes, the harder it is to produce a high rate of increases. For example, two companies might make $100,000 in a quarter. Company A made $50,000 last year, so this was a 100% increase. Company B made $99,000 last year, so this was only about a 1% increase.

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