Is It Too Late to Buy InMode Stock?

When it comes to monster growth stocks in the making, it's rare to find a company that has pretty much every property an investor would want. On that note, InMode (NASDAQ: INMD) develops minimally invasive medical-aesthetics devices that can provide similar effects to laser skin treatments and even plastic surgery. The company's profitable, rich in cash, rapidly growing, and nearly debt-free -- and that's not all. 

Its aesthetics hardware might be able to steal market share from multiple competing techniques, as it's far easier for customers to commit to a less-invasive beauty treatment performed under local anesthesia than it is to commit to undergoing highly invasive plastic surgery. Plus, the stock's valuation is currently quite reasonable, which might leave investors wondering what the catch is.

Has the market already discovered InMode and priced in all of its future prospects, or is there still upside left with the stock? 

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