Is It Too Late to Buy IonQ Stock?

The success of IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) stock highlights an area of technological innovation that arguably receives too little coverage: quantum computing. Given the promise of this technology, the young, Maryland-based company has been drawing interest from investors. However, growth potential doesn't always translate into gains for an emerging company such as IonQ. Plus, the departure of co-founder Chris Monroe has brought some uncertainty.

Given the company's current state, could investors still enjoy stellar returns from this quantum computing stock, or are they too late?

Monroe and Jungsang Kim co-founded IonQ in 2015 to bring quantum computing from academia into the marketplace. The technology leverages the power of quantum physics to exponentially increase the speed of computing power. Under current technology, bits store units of information that are either a zero or a one. Consequently, computers must perform a new calculation whenever a bit of information changes.

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