Is It Too Late to Buy Microsoft Stock?

(NASDAQ: MSFT) posted its latest earnings report on April 25. For the third quarter of fiscal 2024, which ended on March 31, the tech giant's revenue rose 17% year over year to $61.9 billion and beat analysts' expectations by $971 million. Its earnings per share (EPS) grew 20% to $2.94 and cleared the consensus forecast by a dime.

Those headline numbers were impressive, but is it too late to buy its stock after Microsoft's near-50% rally over the past 12 months?

Microsoft operates three main businesses: the Intelligent Cloud division, which houses its cloud and server products; the Productivity and Business Processes division, which handles Office, Dynamics, and LinkedIn; and the More Personal Computing division, which includes its Windows, Xbox, Surface, Bing, and digital advertising businesses.

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