Is Lockheed Martin Stock a Buy?

The S&P 500 Index is near its all-time high, and when a rising tide lifts the broader market, it can become hard to find stocks that are attractively valued. In addition, the average yield for the index is a painfully low 1.5% or so, which is making it difficult to find decent dividend stocks.

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT), while far from a perfect investment, still offers a solid combination of value and yield. Here's what you need to know about this defense contractor, and why you might want to buy it today.

Lockheed Martin is a giant $100 billion market capitalization defense contractor with one main customer -- the U.S. government, which provides the large majority of its revenue. However, it provides highly specialized products and services across its aeronautics (roughly 40% of 2020 sales), rotary and mission systems (25%), space (18%), missiles and fire control (17%) divisions. So as a business, it's actually fairly diversified, even if its client list is not.   

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