Is Netflix Stock Going to $700? 1 Wall Street Analyst Thinks So.

It's not unusual for analysts to tweak their evaluations of publicly traded companies in the days before they report earnings. So it was with (NASDAQ: NFLX), which saw several adjustments from pundits following the bellwether video streaming company. It's set to unveil first-quarter earnings this coming Thursday after market close.

A prognosticator at one of the more influential white-shoe investment banks substantially raised his price target on Netflix, a move that certainly attracted the attention of many Netflix investors. Here's a brief look at this new take on the stock.

Less than a week before Netflix was to publish those quarterly figures, Morgan Stanley analyst Benjamin Swinburne made the move. He now feels Netflix stock is worth $700 per share, up quite some distance from his previous level of $600. He maintained his overweight (i.e., buy) recommendation on the shares.

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