Is Now the Right Time to Buy Amazon Stock?

All eyes were on Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) last week as the king of e-commerce released its 2022 second-quarter earnings. After posting soaring growth for several quarters during the pandemic, things have now cooled down. In the retail division, it's the same story as at other retailers; rising costs and lower spending are slowing revenue and nibbling into profits. At the same time, other segments, such as the weatherproof Amazon Web Services (AWS), still have momentum.

Amazon is a huge company with many moving parts. How can investors make sense of them, and what does this all mean for Amazon stock? Let's find out.

Amazon is the second-largest company (by sales) in the U.S. behind retail behemoth Walmart. Walmart is so massive, with $572 billion in 2021 sales, that it has eclipsed the rest by a long shot for many years, even with low revenue growth. But Amazon has made strides and, with pandemic-fueled growth, is within striking distance of Walmart's lead with $470 billion in 2021 sales.

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