Is Recursion Pharmaceuticals Stock a Millionaire-Maker?

Making a million dollars on a stock investment is one of those classic goals you hear many investors say they dream about. And in some rare cases, the dream of a massive return that generates life-changing profits does come true. Investors who took a chance on high-flying Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) back in 2016 and held on are a recent example: $8,000 worth of the tech giant's stock bought in 2016 would be worth roughly $1 million today.

To be clear, Nvidia is a rare case. Most stocks won't end up being such massive successes in such a short time frame. One way you can try to maximize your potential return is by targeting investments with modest market caps.

Recursion Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: RXRX) is worth just over $2 billion today. It also happens to be a company that Nvidia has invested in. With some lofty goals and hopes for the future, Recursion is a stock that some investors are incredibly bullish on.

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