Is This Stock On Its Way to Making a COVID-19 Vaccine Obsolete?

Coronavirus vaccine makers have garnered much attention this year. That's because the investors and medical professionals alike believe that vaccination is a good way to halt the spread of the coronavirus put an end to the pandemic. Today, 13 vaccine programs are involved in phase 3 testing. And a U.S. regulatory advisory panel last week voted in favor of Pfizer's (NYSE: PFE) investigational vaccine -- paving the way for an emergency use authorization (EUA) on Friday, Dec. 11. Widespread vaccine distribution is -- hopefully -- on the horizon.

There is a company, however, that is working on coronavirus disease prevention, but not by way of a vaccine. I'm talking about Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: REGN) and its investigational antibody cocktail for the prevention of COVID-19. But something even more exciting may be further down the road. Up until now, researchers have administered the cocktail through infusion. Now, Regeneron plans on testing the ability of the cocktail to be administered as a nasal spray for coronavirus prevention. Could this one day make the coronavirus vaccine a thing of the past? Let's take a closer look.

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