Is This Unique Merger Between High-Yield Stocks Good for Investors?

Merger deals are almost always hyped as great events by the companies involved. Sometimes that works out for investors, sometimes it doesn't. But the merger between Global Net Lease (NYSE: GNL) and Necessity Retail (NASDAQ: RTL) has the potential to be a massive game changer for investors, and in a very positive way. Here's why.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) Global Net Lease and Necessity Retail have some important things in common. For starters, they both use the net lease approach, which means that they own single-tenant properties where the tenants are responsible for most property-level operating costs. Across a large portfolio, the risk is very low with this approach, even though any single property is high-risk because it houses just one tenant. While neither REIT is exactly huge, they are each large enough to benefit from asset diversification.

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