Is This a New Bull Market? 3 Stocks the Smartest Investors Are Watching.

The market's been a bit wobbly lately. Higher interest rates continue to crimp demand for growth-generating loans. Meanwhile, corporate earnings haven't exactly been stellar. The price pullback that stocks have suffered through since the end of July can't come as a complete surprise.

Taking a medium-term look at the situation, the rebound effort that got underway last October is still technically intact, and a handful of economic bright spots are still in place. Unemployment, for instance, remains near record lows. And consumer spending has slowed a bit but is still growing. While the next bull market is not officially here, there is still a general attitude that it's right around the corner.

Here's a closer look at three stocks smart investors are watching closely right now, as they offer superior risk-adjusted upside potential if we're at the onset of a new bull market.

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