Is This the Best Cryptocurrency to Buy Now?

The crypto market has slowed down some to cap off a big year in 2021, but it's still heading into 2022 with a great deal of excitement and momentum behind it. The big dogs like Bitcoin hit new highs in 2021, lots of other cryptocurrencies emerged with strong potential, and cryptocurrencies got more ingrained into the traditional financial system. Two Motley Fool contributors believe Solana (CRYPTO: SOL) and Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) are some of the best cryptocurrencies to buy right now. Here's why. 

Taylor Carmichael (Solana): While Bitcoin gets all the ink, crypto enthusiasts understand that for many years Ethereum was actually the most powerful blockchain out there from a technological standpoint. Anybody who wanted to build decentralized apps (dApps) built them on the Ethereum network. And it's this network of developers that gives a lot of power (and value) to the Ethereum blockchain. Early adapters building out their own blockchains are loath to switch away from Ethereum because doing so would take a lot of time and money. 

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