Is Upwork or Fiverr a Better Remote Work Stock Right Now?

With the pandemic came shelter-in-place and work-from-home, as well as the fastest surge in newly unemployed people in recorded history. It's a terrible situation, both for those affected by COVID-19 directly and the millions suddenly out of a job.

One potentially positive side effect, though, is that remote work and freelancing may have received a permanent shot in the arm. A number of big tech companies -- like Facebook, Twitter, and Shopify -- have announced work-from-home will be a long-term option for employees. And many who have been laid off have turned to the internet to try to leverage their skills and work on more flexible terms. As a result, stock prices for both the leader in the freelancing and remote work industry, Upwork (NASDAQ: UPWK), and more recent newcomer Fiverr (NYSE: FVRR) are up so far in 2020 -- with the former sporting a 13% gain as of this writing, and the latter a massive 210% run-up.

If you think worker flexibility post-coronavirus is here to stay, it's worth getting familiar with both of these companies. At this juncture, though, one is a better buy.

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