Is Valeant Turning Things Around?

Valeant Pharmaceuticals (NYSE: VRX) is notorious for its drug price gouging scandal a few years ago, an incident that caused the stock to tank and public opinion of the company plummeting to hit rock bottom. In the past few years, the company has replaced their CEO and cobbled together a turnaround plan, but many analysts and investors are still skeptical.

In this clip from Industry Focus: Healthcare, the cast looks at Valeant's most recent earnings report, which sent the stock up 17%, and what the company's future looks like. Listen in to find out the most important numbers to look at to see how the company is doing, why Valeant's stock price shifts so much after every earnings report, how it did this quarter and what that says about the company's long-term potential, what investors should know about buying this company on the turnaround story today, and more.

A full transcript follows the video.

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