Growth is slowing at iQiyi (NASDAQ: IQ), but don't be so quick to dismiss China's top dog in video streaming. There are certainly plenty of risks when folks invest in China stocks, but the juicy potential rewards are also there for the taking given the promising upside in the world's most populous nation.

iQiyi's reach is significant. There are now 105.8 million premium subscribers on the streaming platform, a whopping 31% increase over the past year. Yet there are some big hurdles for iQiyi to clear. Losses continue to mount given the high content and bandwidth costs. Online advertising is also a revenue stream that's been muddied up with China's slowing economy. However, there is still plenty to like in iQiyi for patient and risk-tolerant investors. Let's hit play and see where this goes.

Image source: iQiyi.

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