Is the Stock Market Really Safe Right Now? Here's What History Says.

The stock market has been on a wild ride over the past few months, with the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) soaring by more than 14% since late October and roughly 23% over the past year.

While this is an exciting turn for investors who have seen many of their stocks beaten down over the last two years, it's normal to feel apprehensive about the future. Nobody knows how long this surge will last, and some investors are worried that this rally is only temporary before another downturn hits.

If stock prices do take a turn for the worse, now may not seem like the best time to buy. But if the market is on its way up, right now could be a smart investing opportunity. So what's the best strategy? And just how safe is the market at the moment? Here's what history says about times like these.

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