It's Time to Load Up on Apple Stock

Following the tech-heavy 's pullback last week, featuring four consecutive trading days of negative returns, many investors may be planning to sell stocks and buy less risky assets like short-term treasury bonds. After all, T-bills with a year or less time horizon are currently yielding more than 5%. That's a compelling alternative to stocks.

While it always makes sense to have some cash, cash equivalents, and lower-risk investments in a portfolio, this may not be the time to double down on cash, despite the attractive yields in T-bills. Indeed, August's decline has already surfaced some great opportunities. Take (NASDAQ: AAPL) stock, for instance. The iPhone maker's shares have pulled back 10%.

Though it's impossible to know when the bottom of any stock's pullback will be, one thing is clear: the decline has made the tech stock look compelling again.

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