JetBlue Finally Abandons Long Beach, California

Earlier this year, JetBlue Airways (NASDAQ: JBLU) announced plans to shrink its footprint in its smallest focus city: Long Beach, California. The airline -- which operated up to 35 daily departures there just two years ago -- had already retrenched in the fall of 2018, cutting a third of its schedule. Following the latest round of cutbacks, JetBlue was down to about 15 daily departures to 10 destinations from Long Beach (or would have been but for the COVID-19 pandemic).

Back in January, when JetBlue announced its most recent plan to shrink its struggling Long Beach operation, I speculated that "it might have been better to rip off the bandage and eliminate everything" aside from routes to the airline's New York and Boston focus cities.

At last, JetBlue has come to its senses. In fact -- perhaps because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on demand -- it's going even further than I had suggested, pulling out of Long Beach entirely.

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