Job Openings Are Near All-Time Highs, Wages Are Up

***EMBARGO UNTIL TUES. SEP 3 AT 9am ET / 6am PT***

Job openings have climbed by 3.2% to 5.94 million, according to Glassdoor's latest Job Market Report. That's just below July's all-time high of 6 million openings listed on the jobs website. 

With so many companies needing to fill open positions, pay rates also rose by 1.9% to a median rate of $53,950 a year. "That's in line with the rate of growth seen over the last three months, but is still below the 2.6% average pay growth we saw in the second half of 2018," wrote Glassdoor's Daniel Zhao in a press release. "Pay growth has been stubbornly low in 2019, and we don't yet see any signs of faster acceleration consistent with full employment."

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