Job Openings, Pay Inch Higher in September

The United States economy continues to add jobs and see wages rise higher, though both are increasing by modest amounts, according to Glassdoor's "Job Market Report" for September. The number of new openings grew by 3.5%, a decline from August's over-5% increase, while annual pay growth was 2.1%, higher than the 1.9% recorded in the previous month.

"Today's growth is a far cry from the blockbuster job market in 2018," said Glassdoor senior economist Daniel Zhao in a statement emailed to The Motley Fool. "Job openings on Glassdoor remain just shy of the 6 million mark, indicating a tight labor market with employers still looking for increasingly scarce workers to fill their open roles."

It's also possible that companies are hesitant to advertise open jobs if they have more critical roles to fill and lack applicants for those positions. The general lack of bodies may put a damper on hiring enthusiasm, which will soon face added pressure from holiday-season seasonal hiring.

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