Johnson & Johnson and Intuitive Surgical Might Become Ozempic's Next Victims. Are They Still Worth Buying?

It's a bit of a harrowing time to be in the business of selling solutions for bariatric surgery. Thanks to Novo Nordisk's drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy for type 2 diabetes and obesity, and competing medicines like Mounjaro and Zepbound made by Eli Lilly, people now have access to powerful and noninvasive weight-loss tools. And that means there's a real risk that demand for weight-loss surgeries will start to collapse.

In fact, leaders of two of the largest companies in healthcare, Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG) and Johnson Johnson (NYSE: JNJ), are already explicitly linking the rise of treatments like Ozempic to new headwinds for certain segments of their businesses. Since Ozempic and its peer medicines are relatively new, the shift to medicines from possible surgical interventions could just be getting started. Let's investigate how serious the impact might be, and explore whether those two stocks are still worth buying in light of what's likely to happen.

Intuitive Surgical's da Vinci robotic surgical suite has approval for a handful of different surgeries and has about 8,200 systems installed in operating rooms globally. Certain bariatric surgeries intended to aid in losing excessive weight are among those approved indications. The fewer of those procedures hospitals perform because patients can take Ozempic instead, the fewer sales of replacement parts and specialized tools the company can make.

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