Kinder Morgan's Moving in the Right Direction, but Short of This 2020 Dividend Goal

Trust is a major issue on Wall Street that investors shouldn't take lightly, given that buying a stock is basically trusting a management team to make good use of your capital. Some companies earn that trust over time, while others seemingly burn through whatever trust they've been given. Kinder Morgan (NYSE: KMI) continues to sit in the latter camp, as it still hasn't hit this key 2020 dividend goal.

On Oct. 21, 2015, Kinder Morgan increased its quarterly dividend to $0.51 per share. In the news release announcing the increase, management stated: "Additionally, while we are at the beginning of our budget process for 2016, we currently expect to increase our declared dividend for 2016 by 6% to 10% over the 2015 declared dividend of $2.00 per share. We expect this range will provide the flexibility for us to meet our dividend and have excess cash coverage."

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