Kraft Just Proved Again Why It's a Rock-Solid Buy

Kraft Heinz (NASDAQ: KHC) is a top food company with many strong brands that customers consume every day. It's the strength of these well-known products that has allowed the company's financials to remain resilient during tough times.

Earlier this month, the company reported its latest earnings numbers, which confirmed Kraft's strong moat and why this a stock investors should feel comfortable owning for the long haul.

On May 3, Kraft reported results for the first quarter ended April 1. What stood out to me was not that the company was able to achieve positive year-over-year revenue growth as many businesses have, but just how little change in volume there has been despite rising prices. Typically, you would expect a business to see sharp declines in volume, which would offset higher prices, but that hasn't been the case at Kraft.

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