Learn From Warren Buffett: Manage Your Money to Start Investing

There's little doubt you've heard of Warren Buffett -- he's currently the fourth richest man in the world with an estimated net worth close to $70 billion. But he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He started his investing career at the tender age of 6 when he bought a six-pack of Coke for $0.25 and sold each can for $0.05. He also went door-to-door selling magazines and packs of chewing gum -- for a profit, of course.

Wouldn't it be great if you could employ some of his techniques to help you make money?

While none of us can be Buffett, we can all learn from him. After all, at 89 years of age, he's still one of the smartest moneymakers around. Here are five money-management tips from Buffett that will help you reach the point where you have funds to start investing.

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Source Fool.com