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On Saturday, November 4, Houthi rebels in Yemen launched a long-range Burkan 2-H missile ballistic missile targeting Saudi Arabia's King Khalid International Airport more than 600 miles away. Saudi Arabian forces confirmed the launch, and reported that a U.S.-built Patriot missile battery shot down the missile before it could reach its target.

So ... crisis averted?

For now, perhaps. But a rebel spokesman said that it considers that "the capital cities of" countries conducting military operations in Yemen "fair military target[s]," and promised they "will be struck by our missiles." Moreover, the BBC reports that the Houthis are believed to possess "a stockpile of Scud ballistic missiles and home-grown variants" such as the Burkan. In short, if Saudi Arabia hopes to protect its civilian population, it needs a robust missile defense.

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Source: Fool.com