Looking for a Surefire Winner in the Next Bull Market? Buy Amazon Stock.

You can easily find numerous predictions online that a new bull market is coming. I personally don't expect we'll see the stock market surge in the near term. Warren Buffett doesn't seem to think a bull market is imminent, either.

However, you can rest assured that there will be a new bull market on the way -- at some point. It's not too soon to begin planning your investment strategy for the eventual and inevitable stock market comeback. If you're looking for a surefire winner in the next bull market, here's a compelling case to buy Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) stock.

You've probably heard the old saying that "history doesn't repeat itself" more times than you can count. While it's true, the adage shouldn't be construed to mean that we can't learn from the past to gain a better understanding of how the future might unfold. I think it's helpful to look at how Amazon stock has performed in previous bull markets. 

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Source Fool.com