Love Dividends? Here Are 3 Great Income Stocks From the Energy Patch.

The energy sector is a great place to hunt for dividends these days. The industry is generating a lot of cash flow thanks to relatively higher oil prices. Meanwhile, valuations remain fairly low, which has pushed up dividend yields. 

ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM), (NYSE: MPLX), and Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE: EPD) stand out to a few contributors for their oil-fueled dividends. Here's a look at why dividend lovers should take a closer look at this trio. 

Reuben Gregg Brewer (ExxonMobil): The one thing that investors need to clearly understand about oil and natural gas is that they are volatile commodities. That basically means that top- and bottom-line performance for companies like energy giant ExxonMobil will also be volatile. There's no easy way around that, but well-run companies are prepared for this. Exxon is a well run company, highlighted by its 41 years worth of annual dividend increases -- despite ever volatile energy prices.

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