Love Stock Splits? This $100 Billion Company Says You Aren't the Investor It's Looking For.

About a year ago, shares of online travel booking platform Booking Holdings (NASDAQ: BKNG) went over $3,000 per share for the first time. Now they're approaching $4,000 per share. And if either of those stock prices are important to you, then Booking Holdings CEO Glenn Fogel would prefer you not buy this stock. You aren't the kind of investor the company is looking for.

In a recent interview with Barron's, Fogel was asked why Booking hasn't split its stock yet considering some people think it's too expensive at close to $4,000 per share. A stock split would lower the price per share and increase the share count. Fogel responded by saying, "I don't think I want that kind of investor."

That's kind of a big statement considering most investors do focus on this.

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