Lumen Technologies: Buy the Dip?

To get Warren Buffett-like returns, deep value opportunities are one of the places one should look. When a company that most have discarded or ignored changes its fortunes for the better, the prospect of outsize stock returns is large. After all, Buffet once said, "You pay a very high price in the stock market for a cheery consensus."

Lumen Technologies (NYSE: LUMN) is certainly out of consensus, down 72% on the year and 97% below its all-time high. The company, which is a provider of network services and other fiber optic-based technologies, has certainly had a rough go. But with a new CEO in the beginning stages of her turnaround plan, is the stock a bargain-priced buy on this dip or value trap?

It has been exactly one year since ex- executive Kate Johnson became the CEO of Lumen. Microsoft is a highly capable company to say the least, so her arrival provided hope for Lumen's turnaround efforts.

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