Marijuana Reform Is Budding. So Are These 2 Pot Stocks.

While marijuana legalization at the federal level may not be the burgeoning reality that proponents had hoped it would be by now, the progress that has been made at the state level has created a wealth of opportunity for cannabis companies as well as for investors. Currently, 38 out of 50 states have at least partially legalized marijuana for medical purposes, while 19 states have legalized recreational use.  

Don't get me wrong, not all cannabis stocks are created equal. There are too many cannabis companies that don't necessarily have the tailwinds for growth or underlying business to navigate this turbulent market. On the flip side, this could be the perfect time for risk-tolerant investors to scoop up promising marijuana stocks with the growth trajectories to drive future growth and returns. 

Here are two such stocks to consider buying right now. 

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