Meet the Newest Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock in the S&P 500. It's Up 266% Since Last Year, and Wall Street Says It's Still a Buy Today

The S 500 is one of the most important indexes in the financial markets.

While it consists of just the stocks of 500 companies, it represents about 80% of all U.S. equities by market capitalization. To become a member, a company must obtain a market cap above $18 billion, produce a profit in the most recent quarter, and produce a profit in the most recent 12-month period. The stock must also have sufficient liquidity.

Every quarter, a committee selects a few new stocks to join the S 500 while deleting other stocks to make room. The goal is to include companies most representative of the large-cap space. This quarter, the committee added cybersecurity leader (NASDAQ: CRWD) to the index.

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