Meta May Already Be Set Up to Fail in the Metaverse

There's a long history of giant technology companies seeing disruption coming a mile away and simply not being able to execute on being the disruptor rather than the disruptee. IBM (NYSE: IBM) was a leader in PCs, only to cede the most valuable piece (the operating system) to Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT). After dominating PC operating systems, Microsoft launched Pocket PC, a Windows mobile operating system, in 2000 -- only to be run out of the market by the Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) iOS and Alphabet's (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) Android OS. There are other examples, but the common theme is that company leaders who see the opportunity ahead often can't steer the ship in the right direction to capitalize. 

I fear we're already seeing this happen with Meta Platforms (NASDAQ: FB) and its bet on the metaverse. The Oculus headsets were clearly out ahead of the competition, but Meta can't seem to find a clear strategy to capitalize on the metaverse vision, giving openings to competitors big and small. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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