More Likely to 5x First: Roku vs. Shopify

Roku (NASDAQ: ROKU) and Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) were huge pandemic favorites during 2020 and early 2021. Investors were optimistic about Roku's position within the connected TV market, and Shopify was putting up fantastic earnings results as it powered a growing number of e-commerce sites. 2022 hasn't nearly been as kind.

With slowing growth, increasing competition, and the current bear market, both Roku and Shopify have been down over 80% in the past year. That means, in order to get back to where they were trading 12 months ago, shares are going to need to 5x and go up by 400%. That feels like a long way off but could provide a buying opportunity for investors with shares trading at depressed prices. 

So what beaten-down stock is more likely to go up by 5x first, Roku or Shopify? Let's take a look. 

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