Morgan Stanley Offers Further Proof that its Investment Banking Efforts Are Paying Off

Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) reported another solid quarter of growth earlier this month, driven by stellar performance across its segments. The company has done well in diversifying its revenue streams so that it could perform in all kinds of markets, and it continues to benefit from its E*Trade and Eaton Vance acquisitions that were closed in October 2020 and March 2021, respectively. 

Morgan Stanley crushed it from an investment banking perspective, and the firm expects to see strength from this segment going into the fourth quarter and 2022. According to Alan Felder, Managing Director for UBS's OneBank Partnership, investors should expect to see robust M&A activity continue in 2022 as interest rates remain low and public and private firms sit on a large amount of cash available for future investment opportunities.  

Let's look at what else this month's earnings report tells us about Morgan Stanley going forward.

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