My 3 Favorite ETFs to Buy Right Now

I love exchange-traded funds (ETFs). While I own quite a few individual stocks, the biggest chunk of my portfolio is invested in ETFs. Whenever anyone asks me about getting started with investing, ETFs always come up during the conversation.

There are more than more than 8,750 ETFs across the world right now, according to Statista. That's way too many to evaluate for anyone. Fortunately, some especially stand out as great picks, in my view. Here are my three favorite ETFs to buy right now.

What's the best asset to own over the long run? The answer is small-cap value stocks, according to an analysis conducted by Wellington Management. Small-cap stocks have beaten large-cap stocks 69% of the time since 1936. And value stocks have outperformed growth stocks more than 90% of the time.

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