My Best Coronavirus Stock for 2021

I'm going to tell you something that might seem contradictory. Recently (last week, actually), I wrote about the one stock I'd buy if I could only buy one coronavirus vaccine stock. That stock is Johnson & Johnson. Now for the seeming contradiction: My best coronavirus stock pick for 2021 isn't Johnson & Johnson.

It's not just that my previous focus was limited to coronavirus vaccine stocks -- a more limited group than coronavirus stocks. If I could only buy one stock of any category, I'd go with the safest choice that's unlikely to lose money. Hence the selection of J&J. But my benchmark for choosing the best stock of any category is to select the one that offers the most attractive overall risk-reward proposition. There's a significant difference between those two perspectives.

So which stock is my best coronavirus stock for 2021? I like Novavax (NASDAQ: NVAX) because of its compelling risk-reward profile.

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