My Best Stocks to Buy Now and Hold Forever

I've made two huge investing mistakes in my life. The first is that I didn't buy a stock that I thought was a great pick. The second was that I didn't hold onto a stock long enough. Unfortunately, I've made both of these mistakes multiple times. And they've hurt my investing performance a whole lot more than buying a bad stock and holding onto it too long has.

Unsurprisingly, Warren Buffett gave some excellent investing advice several years ago. He noted that his "favorite holding period is forever." Granted, not every stock is one that's an ideal candidate for this approach. But some are. Here are my best stocks to buy now and hold forever.

Let me begin by acknowledging that Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) faces some challenges. Its revenue growth has slowed and could decelerate even more if advertisers cut back on spending in an economic downturn. Antitrust regulators in multiple countries have their targets set on the company. Alphabet's shares have also fallen more than 30% year to date.

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