My Boss Wants to Friend Me on Facebook. Should I Say Yes?

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) is a useful tool for staying connected, but it can also open the door to problems if the personal information you share on it gets into the wrong hands. In fact, workers are often advised to be careful about the things they post, especially those whose colleagues are privy to that information. But while it's common practice to be friends with your co-workers on Facebook, friending your boss is a whole different ball game. Friending your boss could mean putting your manager in an uncomfortable position, and possibly risking your relationship in the process.

But what happens when your boss is the one who sends you a friend request on Facebook? At that point, you're sort of stuck. If you don't accept, you could wind up offending your boss, and that's not good. But if you accept that request, you could end up being forced into a situation where you're limited to the information you share, or, worse yet, wind up feeling the backlash when you post something that doesn't sit well with your manager.


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