NQ Minerals Plc.: Hellyer Production Rate Significantly Increased

London, United Kingdom – September 28, 2020 – NQ Minerals Plc (AQSE:NQMI, OTCQB:NQMLF, US ADR OTCQB:NQMIY) (“NQ” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company’s flagship Hellyer Mine in Tasmania, Australia, has successfully increased production and processing rates up to 165 tonnes per hour (“tph”) and plans are being finalised to increase production further to 180 tph (about 1.5 million tonnes per annum (“Mtpa”)).


As previously announced, the operations have been undergoing processing circuit modifications since the end of June 2020 and this work has since achieved an average annualised production rate of 1.23 Mtpa for the months of July and August 2020. This is a very significant increase from Q1 2020 performance of 0.905 Mtpa and Q2 2020 rates of 1.01 Mtpa and compares to 2019 Hellyer’s full year plant throughput totalling 0.84 million tonnes (an average of 103 tph and 92% plant availability).


During this transition to higher production rates, it has become evident that production levels in excess of 1.2 Mtpa might be possible, and as a consequence NQ Minerals has agreed with  Hellyer management to continue this throughput increase initiative and associated investment with a view to a revised long term maximum production target of 1.5 Mtpa.


NQ Minerals’ Executive Chairman, Mr David Lenigas, said;


“This is an outstanding result for our Hellyer Operations. The Board and I are highly impressed by the systematic and pragmatic approach taken by the Hellyer management and site staff in preparing for and then delivering this program to increase throughput at Hellyer. We have seen very significant improvements in a relatively short period of time and this significant increase in performance is well ahead of our original mining and processing schedule and has been completed with minimal capital outlay. The opportunity to continue this initiative and further increase our lead and zinc concentrates output will certainly improve financial returns and manage our business risk.”


Competent Person’s Statement


The information in this report that relates to the Hellyer project is based on information compiled by Mr. Roger Jackson, an Executive Director of the Company, who is a 25+ year Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM) and a Member of Australian Institute of Company Directors. Mr. Jackson has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of  Exploration results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr. Jackson consents to the inclusion of the data contained in relevant resource reports used for this announcement as well as the matters, form and context in which the relevant data appears.


About NQ Minerals

NQ Minerals Plc is listed on London’s Aquis Stock Exchange (AQSE) under the ticker NQMI and has it’s 1:100 ADR traded on the US OTC QB under ticker NQMIY and its ordinary shares are dual traded on the US OTC QB under the NEW WAVE HOLDINGS ENTERS INTO LETTER OF INTENT TO New Wave Holdings Corp. CA64913V1031 https://www.irw-press.at/prcom/images/customer/20091/newwave.jpg A2P4DW 0XM2.F 0XM2 Aktien;Aktien;Aktienkurs;Aktienkurs;Aktienmarkt;Aktienmarkt;Börse;Börse;Börsen News;Börsen News;Finanz;Finanz;Finanzen;Finanzen;Geld;Geld;Nachrichten;Nachrichten;Nachrichten Aktuell;Nachrichten Aktuell;Wirtschaft;Wirtschaft;Wirtschaftsmeldungen;Wirtschaftsmeldungen

TORONTO, September 29, 2020 ‐ NEW WAVE HOLDINGS CORP. (the "Company" or "New Wave") (CSE: SPOR, FWB: 0XM2, OTC:TRMND) an investment issuer that provides capital and support services, announced it has entered into a letter of intent to form a joint venture with Joshua Neilly and Branislav Nikolic to form an Ireland based digital marketing company. New Wave will acquire a 50% interest in the operations in this co-venture named N2 Logics Inc (N2 Logics”) or similar name. N2 Logics is a private company that supports digital marketing and online growth. The technical team are uniquely suited to support online e-commerce platforms to maximize exposure and reach parties interesting in making an online purchase.


New Wave will purchase 10,000,000 shares in N2 Logics by way of a private placement for a purchase price of CDN $150,000. This will give New Wave a 50% ownership in the joint venture with N2 Logics.


N2 Logics Highlights include:

The N2 Logics team brings over 10 years of experience in the field of online e-commerce and digital marketing, they utilize established and true methodologies to attract high quality traffic online through lead generation and conversion optimization. Based on the current digital marketing needs, they focus on world class tactics and digital optimization to provide return on investments. 


N2 Logics team covers various avenues of online growth and digital marketing that has an established track record of exponential growth. The collaborative effort has grown online sales for ventures by 10x in less than 2 years. The team specializes in various products such as; CBD oils, CBD capsules, CBD vape pens, vaporizers, CBD edibles, CBD coffee, CBD drinks, hemp protein, lifestyle businesses, skin organics and alternative medicines. N2 Logics will support enterprise growth for New Wave and its subsidiaries by enhancing distribution and marketing across the globe of functioning mushroom line of products.


Based in Northern Ireland, N2 Logics offers premium services and backed up with access to industry leading advice and guidance.



New Wave Holdings Corp. (CSE: SPOR, FWB: 0XM2, OTC:TRMND) is an investment issuer focused on the burgeoning psychedelic and esports sectors. In the psychedelic sector, New Wave will focus on supporting research on active psychedelic compounds, creation of consumer products based on functional mushrooms, and developing an IP portfolio focusing on psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, and ketamine derived treatments for neuropsychiatric diseases.


Investors interested in connecting with New Wave Holdings can learn more about the company and contact the team at http://newwavecorp.com



Geoff Balderson

Chief Financial Officer 

New Wave Holdings Corp. 


Information relating to N2 Logics contained in this news release was provided by N2 Logics and/or its agent and has not been independently verified by the Company. The Company does not take responsibility for the accuracy of such information.


The CSE has not in any way passed on the merits of the Acquisition, and neither has approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. Neither the CSE nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. 



Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute forward‐looking information, including but not limited to, applicable regulatory approval in connection with the Acquisition, the closing of the Acquisition, expansion of operations, size and quality of future tournaments and projections regarding attendance at future events. Forward‐looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "anticipate", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "intend", "should", and similar expressions. Forward‐looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward‐looking information. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in this forward‐looking information as a result of competitive factors and competition for investment opportunities, challenges relating to operations in international markets, transaction execution risk, changes to the Company's strategic growth plans, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward‐looking information are reasonable based on current expectations and potential investment pipeline, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward‐looking information should not be unduly relied upon. Any forward‐looking information contained in this news release represents the Company's expectations as of the date hereof, and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward‐looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities legislation.