Nasdaq Bear Market: 1 Magnificent Growth Stock to Buy Like There's No Tomorrow

Looking back on 2022, it will be tempting for investors to focus solely on the agonizing downturn inflicted on the major U.S. stock market indexes. The bear market has mauled each one, but the worst performer -- by a country mile -- is the Nasdaq Composite. The tech-centric index began its descent more than a year ago and is still down by nearly 35% from its late 2021 high.

While the rout has sent many running for the exits, seasoned investors know this is part of the cost of admission, and game-changing wealth can still be made over time. Why, you ask? Because each and every bear market in history has given way to a bull market, which historically runs much farther for much longer. Furthermore, these occasional market nosedives let investors buy businesses with proven track records at unbelievably low prices.

One such bear-market bargain hiding in plain sight is Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL) (NASDAQ: GOOG). Like many technology companies, the current headwinds have pounded the stock. However, those with the foresight to step back and take a broader view will discover a stock they should be buying like there's no tomorrow.

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