Nasdaq Bear Market: 5 Astounding Growth Stocks You'll Regret Not Buying on the Dip

This has been a year to remember in all the wrong ways for the investing community. Since hitting their respective all-time closing highs between November and January, the timeless Dow Jones Industrial Average, broad-based S&P 500, and growth-dependent Nasdaq Composite (NASDAQINDEX: ^IXIC), have lost as much as 19%, 24%, and 34% of their value. This firmly entrenches the S&P 500 and Nasdaq in a bear market.

Although big-time declines in the major indexes can be scary and test the resolve of investors, decades of history show that bear markets are the perfect time for patient investors to go shopping. That's because every major drop in the major indexes, including the Nasdaq, has eventually been cleared away by a bull market.

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