Nearly 58% of Workers Think Investing in Stocks Is a Good Idea Right Now. Here's Why They're Right.

Though the U.S. economy may be in a recession, the stock market, right now, seems to say otherwise. As of June 10, the S&P 500 was up nearly 1,000 points since its low in late March, and while there's no saying we won't plunge back into bear market territory the moment there's a follow-up surge of COVID-19 cases, right now, things aren't looking so bleak.

That said, there's a lot of economic uncertainty abounding these days. Millions of Americans remain unemployed, and while jobs may be slowly getting added, we're a far cry from the 3.5% unemployment rate we enjoyed back in February, prior to when the pandemic hit home.

Furthermore, as is the case with any recession, things could get a lot worse before they get better, especially if a second wave of COVID-19 hits sooner than anticipated. It therefore begs the question: Is now a good time to put money into stocks?

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